Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Sketch It Out!

So today is the one year anniversary of Sketch it Out!

Can you believe it? I cannot! A year really? And tomorrow is my son's 3rd Birthday too! Where or where dose the time go?

In order to celebrate I'm going to give away some blog candy! I'd love to hear from my readers. What do like about my blog and what would you like to see in the future?

Post your comment here by Feb 12th for a chance to when.


~RAGS~ said...

Jodi - I LOVE your site!! You always have new sketches and I love the fact that you put others interpretations up as well. The only thing I would want changed, is more of other peoples versions of your sketches!! Keep up the great work, you are one talented lady ;)

GraceS said...

I really enjoy your site! I think that you have a wonderful site just the way it is, but I do like the idea of having other peoples versions of your sketches. Also just for my curiousity maybe some of your favorite products? I love the site the way it is though!

Happy Anniversary.

KelsyC said...

I love your site and think its awesome that you update it with new sketches on a regular basis. I would like to see more submissions from readers featured on your blog. Maybe not a design team (cuz that might be a little too much work) but I would like to see others interperetations of your sketches!
Love, Kelsy

Jen Patrick- Roxybonds Creates said...

Jodie- love your sketches!!!! Love how you post your work with your sketches!!!!!

Sarah said...

You know I LOVE your site!! I just love your style and your sketches. I love that you always try to post your version of the sketch. All I would ask for are even more sketches!

Eryn said...

Jodie, I love your site the way it is...I love the sketches, I love seeing your beautiful work, I love seeing others interpretations of your sketches....

Maybe the only thing I'd like to see is some 'how to's' on some of the techniques you use in your work!!

Thanks for the inspiration!!

Devon said...

I love your sketches. I too would like to see other peoples version of your sketches. I would also like some 2 page sketches! Thanks for all your sketches!

Carol A. said...

Happy Anniversary Jodie. I think your site is just great and I love your sketches and work. I have worked with many of your sketches over at Creative Scrappers. Here's to many more years of wonderful work and sketches.

Christy said...

I just found your site last week, but I LOVE your sketches. I am a sketch addict! LOL. I'd love to see more interpretations of your sketches though. While I love sketches and love working from them, it gives lots of ideas as to how versitile they can be :)

Unknown said...

Jodi I just found your blog today, from Creative Scrappers. You wonderful scetches. I can't wait to try them out.

Heidi said...

I love your sketches! I always look forward to seeing them and your work! You are very talented. I would love to see your favorite products and other people's version of your sketches as well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jodi,

I just love your blog. I think I have been reading it since your frist started a year ago. Or around that time that I met you on There is not a day that goes by that I don't check your blog, it is one of the first things I do when I first turn on my computer every morning. I just love your sketches and layouts. Keep up the great work!!!

Tammy (momof2lilboys)

Tracey said...

Love your blog and your sketches are fantastic!!

Happy birthday Sketch It Out!!

Chiqui said...

Happy blog anniversary Jodi! Your sketches are awesome! Love your layouts too!

scrappinnelly said...

Happy Anniversary! Doesn't it feel good when accomplishing something!
I just love all your wonderful sketches! I have used them from time to time when I have no creative mojo left! I don't really know what I'd change... Do you have any favorite techniques or products to recommend once in a while? Great blog and keep it up!

Lacey said...

happy birthday to your blog and more importantly your boy! i love your sketches, and i love how you put your version with it. i am pretty sure i have at least 98 % of your sketches printed out. oh yeah.. i also posted about your blog candy on my blog.

Ally's Corner said...

I love your site and as you already know you have helped me so in my scrapbooking. I would not change a thing.

Joann said...

I just found your site a couple of weeks ago and I am very impressed with what I've seen so far. The only suggestion, would be to possibly have a few more interpretations of each sketch, but I do think it's already a great blog the way it is.

Nina T. said...

Happy Birthday to Peyton and your site! Woohoo! This is always the first place I go when I'm looking to scrap! Thanks for giving me an awesome place to check out for inspiration!

Aimee said...

I love your sketches, but I really appreciate your version of the LO with it. I love the color combos you use, and how you put all the pieces together. Happy Blogiversary!!! :)

Arianne said...

Happy blogoversary!

What is there not to love about the blog?
I love the sketches and I love your take on them.
Don't really know what I'm missing..... Well, yes I do: nothing! ;0))

Keeley Kirwan said...

Jodie Happy Birthday to your Blog and your Baby Boy...hehehe...time flies when you are having fun. I love your blog with all the sketches. I love seeing how you interpret them once you have made then, but it would also be cool to see how others interpreted them. Keep up the great work girl!!

Julia Ladewski said...

happy blog birthday! i love using your sketches and i love seeing readers' work. it gives me ideas and inspiration. and your work is beautiful as usual! thanks for a great blog!

Audrey (the Hepburn House) said...

Congrats on the anniversary!

Thompson family said...

That is a precious kit!!! And, thank you for all your awesome sketches. I live by your sketches in my scrap room! :-)